Tuesday, December 18, 2007

To All My Viewers...

To all my viewers:
I'm sorry to say that this will be my last post on the Guide to Prep. Thank you so much for keeping in touch with the blog.

xoxo, Miss Prep

1 comment:

Max said...

All of you preps think that youre so much better than everyone else, and all you think about is clothes and boys, there is so much more to life. You really should try and get to know people who arent preppy or popular, theyre really good people and they have alot to offer. And youre a complete and total gerk to them, when youre not popular anymore nobody's gonna be your friend, and they will talk behind your back. People who arent popular see preps as stupid gerks that think they are so much better than anybody else because theyre at the top of the social ladder, I know that not all preps are gerks, just most of them. There was one prep at my school last year that wanted attention so much that she spread a rumor about herself that she got drunk at a party and did it with a guy that was 16 and got pregnat. She was 12, in 6th grade.